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Morton Solar donates solar energy systems to CAPE

Writer's picture: Brad MortonBrad Morton

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

Evansville, Indiana - Morton Solar & Electric, LLC has donated two solar energy systems to the Community Action Program of Evansville (CAPE). The donations were made in honor of the late Ms. Alice Weathers who was CAPE's Chief Executive Officer for over 35 years. The systems were installed on the CAPE on Cody Street container home projects built near the Cedar Hall Elementary School. The unique homes have many energy savings features including efficient heat pumps and were constructed using recycled shipping containers and will house a family of four in each unit.

Each 4KW solar energy system will produce 5500kwh's per year for its respective home. Morton designed each system with a 7.6KW Tesla Solar inverter to allow for easy expansion in the future. "We wanted to simplify the wiring so that future home owners could self-install additional panels economically if they want to. We will even show them how to do it." said Brad Morton, President. The Tesla inverter also utilizes the same software as the Tesla car and has the capability of charging an electric vehicle with solar.

The donation was made possible by the Solar is for Everyone educational event series sponsored by Morton Solar in 2023. The program held 8 events last year to help educate home owners about the benefits of self-generating their own electricity with solar energy systems.

"CAPE extends its heartfelt gratitude to Morton Solar, LLC, for their generous donation. These efficient solar energy systems will empower families while promoting sustainability, which is the essence of CAPE and the mission behind the CAPE on Cody Project." - Mr. Gary Roan, CAPE Chief Executive Officer

The CAPE on Cody container home projects were made possible by the HOME Investment Partnerships Program & Community Development Block Grant thru US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). And, the City of Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development, Evansville Affordable Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee. The land was donated by US Bank & Wells Fargo.

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